Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Game Developer Map

I've started my own little Google map of local game development studios.
I'm not trying to map the world with it, but I think I'll perhaps build up a list of all the commercial games studios in California.

If your studio is missing, drop me a post or email...


r2 said...

I have questions about the Mio C220. Can anyone tell me how to cancel guidance? I find that when i have something programmed in and I want to change my destination that it will not LET IT GO! Anyone know how to do that?

Michael said...

Garauv has a similar project; he's always interested in updated data.


Mark Pope said...

Yeah, that's a good site, especially for people looking for local companies for internships or jobs.

My aim was to see a street level map, and also to focus on the particular type of developer I'm most interested in (roughly speaking - places which have made two or more 'full price' commercial games).

Family of Food said...

Nice Map Mark!
Found yur blog through YWC blog.
I made a google map of food places I have on my blog. (www.familyoffood.blogspot.com) and am loving the usefulness of Google maps.
You should add all of the THQ studios to the map :)